Sunday, September 20, 2009

Floral Cupcake Trio

An adorable threesome of flower cupcakes--Pink Gerber Daisy, Blue Hydrangea, and a gorgeous Red Poppy, all in soft and delectable buttercream.


  1. What tip do you use to make the hydrangeas and how do you accomplish the little twist or roll or whatever of the petals? I am dying to know as my sister wants them on her wedding cake and I would LOVE to do it for her. Unfortunately I have only taken a beginners cake decor class and my teacher although good at what HE does doesn't do an abundance of things, because we works a the local grocery store bakery and they have pretty consistant things that they do... sry for rambling. Dying to know!

  2. Stephanie--
    I believe the tip I used was a very small petal tip (like you would use for a rose), maybe a 101? Even a larger petal, like #104 will work. They way you form the hydrangea is by making several small, four petaled blossoms bunched in a circle to make the entire flower bloom. So, the tiny blossoms are in sort of an X shape, does that make sense? The larger end of the petal tip is at the center, and each petal is made with a small up and down motion. If you do it right, the edges of each petal should curl perfectly. I found this video on YouTube, around the 5 minute mark she gives an excellent tutorial on hydrangeas. It's always easier to see it done than to try and describe it in writing! Hope this helps!

  3. Awesome. Thank you sooooooooo much.
